so this is how it happened…
I fell in love with fitness in sophomore year of college after a really bad break (yea i know right classic) up, It all started with wanting to look better and feel better about myself after the break up and after going from 265 pounds to 178 pounds my first time in just a year it became so much more. I could not jog at a slow pace for five minutes, and now I run, sprint jog and box. i am in the best shape of my life and always improving. I sleep better, I eat better, I move better and i finally have a self image that i am proud of, looking in the mirror and truly loving what you see after never really seeing yourself as attractive was an amazing feeling, and constantly seeing your body change, your endurance improve, your health sky rocket, it gives you a sense of accomplishment month to month year to year. i started training people and a good friend of mine told me that he made more improvements in two months with me then he did a year on his own. I truly believe that the biggest mistake we make is going to the gym and winging it. i would look ten times better if i knew all the things i know now and a lot of people start this way not knowing what to do, how to lift, and think that you can only eat nasty salads to lose weight, and its not the case. i want this website to give people direction in the gym that truly gives them the best results possible to look the best they can without all the trial and error, as well as the feeling of truly loving yourself mind and body because it is not just a physical thing but a mental thing as well, Fitness can help you grow as a person and even save your life like it did mine. i then got Certified as a Personal Trainer out in Brooklyn NY,and that is how RokSolidFitness was born