


Stop Going To The Gym Without A Plan Of Action!


These days, so many people tend to enter the gym without any previous fitness experience. Anyone with even the slightest bit of knowledge when it comes to exercise could tell you that things like knowing what areas to target during your workout, using proper form, proper posture, and following the correct nutrition guidelines can significantly effect your results. Moreover, entering a gym and utilizing equipment that you may not be familiar with despite a lack of guidance is a great way to get yourself hurt. Even if you do manage to avoid injury, it most likely will also encourage something that I like to call ‘workout improvisation’ which almost always leads to poor results. To rectify this, I set out to create a series of programs geared towards aiding almost anyone in their fitness journey. These programs will provide you with a solid plan in easily digestible chunks for every time you decide hit the gym, all while emphasizing customization for the individual.

Stay safe, healthy, and Good luck to you on your fitness journey! With a little hard work and perseverance, I know in my heart that pretty much anyone has what it takes to become RokSolid!


NO pills, NO fake 30 day magic promise, just solid plans that work for you and your goals